In this article let me show you how to export a DataTable to an Excel Sheet and add format to the contents while writing the Excel file.
Create a function getDataTable() and write here the code to get data from database. I am not writing the code to get data from database. In my previous article I have explained how to get records from database using ado dot net and store procedure.
Export a DataTable to an Excel file and add format to the contents while writing the Excel file.
Create a function getDataTable() and write here the code to get data from database. I am not writing the code to get data from database. In my previous article I have explained how to get records from database using ado dot net and store procedure.
Export a DataTable to an Excel file and add format to the contents while writing the Excel file.
DataTable dt = getDataTable()
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", "RenewalMember.xls"));
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
string str = string.Empty;
foreach (DataColumn dtcol in dt.Columns)
Response.Write(str + dtcol.ColumnName);
str = "\t";
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
str = "";
for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
Response.Write(str + Convert.ToString(dr[j]));
str = "\t";